We remain grateful to the eight pioneering Sisters of Mercy who, in 1872, responded to the request of Bishop Goold to travel from Ireland to Warrnambool, (which was then considered a remote location) so they could provide a Catholic education to the students of this district.
The foundation group of eight Sisters was led by Mother M. Philomene Maguire who was accompanied by Sisters Catherine McQuillan, Agnes and Philomene Graham, Stanislaus Aldridge, Xavier Flood, Joseph Howard and Bridget Cousens. They knew the task they committed to probably meant they would never see Ireland or their families again, but guided by faith, hope and love, they bravely answered the call.
These were strong and determined women who won the support of the local community and overcame the many obstacles placed in their path to establish a successful school that quickly gained a great reputation. We are proud to pay tribute to these Founders. We are proud to belong to Mercy Education and we continue to be inspired by the vision of Catherine McAuley.
In this 150th year, as we re-imagine Emmanuel, it is important to take time and reflect upon: where we have come from, how we have changed and grown and where we are going. Milestone celebrations such as this present opportunities to encourage all in our College community to respect the traditions of the past and have a sense of pride in knowing they too are a part of Emmanuel College history.
Every member of the Emmanuel community is important, but the real value of belonging to a community is also knowing we are part of something bigger than the individual. Together we are Emmanuel and being Emmanuel reminds us: God is with us!
One of our Emmanuel College alumni, Shannon Rea nee Monk (Class of 1993) recently wrote the following words:
I hope that as St Ann’s, CBC and Emmanuel alumni you have a sense of pride in being part of Emmanuel College history and know you are part of something much bigger than the individual.
2021 witnessed an Emmanuel College graduation group unlike any other. Students from the Class of 2021 completed their VCE years under difficult conditions, constant disruptions, and for much of the time without the many benefits that face-to-face learning brings. While they missed out on so much, in time and with the benefit of hindsight, we hope they will be able to reflect on what they have gained. From difficulty, strength and courage is born. They succeeded when at times it must have seemed that everything was against them. They experienced the kind of unity that comes from adversity, and social isolation showed them the true value of friendships and community.
We congratulate Ben Pennington, Dux of Emmanuel College with an ATAR score of 98.3. Ben was followed closely by Daniel Mahony with an ATAR score of 94.8 and Catie Ragg, 94. They make up 5% percent of the cohort who achieved ATAR scores above 90 while 22% of the year level scored an ATAR above 80, representing an increase of 7% on the previous year.
We also congratulate our Year 11 students who accelerated their VCE program in 2021 and received exemplary results, among them Jace Nepean, who received a perfect study score of 50 in Physics and who participated in the International Physics Olympiad in preparation for Year 12 at Emmanuel in 2022.
(Photo: Ben Pennington, the Dux of the Class of 2021)
Through the 150 years of our College there have been many periods of significant change and Emmanuel is about to undergo one of the most significant changes in the school’s history, having made the decision to consolidate its operations onto a single campus - the McAuley Campus in Botanic Road. No doubt many of you will have already received information about this from emails and letters sent to alumni and from news in the media in November last year. This decision follows an extensive review of the College Masterplan and a feasibility study to identify the option with the greatest long-term benefit for the College and the most positive impact upon student learning and safety.
The consolidation of year levels at the McAuley Campus will be one of the most significant and exciting projects undertaken in the school’s history. The move will be transformative with the construction of a new and innovative Year Nine Learning Centre to complement the dedicated junior and senior schools operating now and all students housed on the one site, removing the need for anyone to travel between two campuses for lessons.
Collectively, these changes will enable Emmanuel College to become the leading dynamic educational provider within the region that it aspires to be. The consolidation of facilities on one site enables the College to deliver an exciting, first-class learning experience that will best meet the future needs of all students throughout their secondary school journey.
The College is confident the project will be delivered with minimal disruption to staff and students. The goal is to complete the relocation and consolidation of all school operations onto one campus by the end of 2024, subject to the finalisation of budgets, design concepts and planning approvals. It is hoped the relocation of the remaining students to the McAuley Campus will occur as the 2025 school year commences.
The commitment to proceed with this project has been carefully considered and planned over an extensive period of time, and follows a comprehensive feasibility study undertaken by an independent architect as well as close consultation with the Parish, which has owned the site since 1914.
The Parish has enjoyed a close and active relationship with Emmanuel College and, given the importance of the decision, there has been extensive discussion and analysis of the options by both the School and Parish. The result, a commitment to consolidate the College onto one campus, is a shared decision between the College and the Parish. Both parties agree the decision will deliver exceptional educational and stewardship benefits to both the School and the wider Catholic communities.
As we embark upon this exciting journey, we will engage with the College community to answer questions and provide regular updated information about the project. While we have received overwhelmingly positive feedback there is no doubt that many CBC alumni will be saddened that the Canterbury Road site will no longer physically be part of the College. To ensure our connection to this part of our history remains strong, the College will be consulting with alumni for advice on how best to memorialise CBC. At the forefront of this will be the retention and display of school artifacts, and the new building will be named after the founder of the Christian Brothers - the Edmund Rice Centre.
Peter Morgan | Principal