At the conclusion of the 2021 school year, the newly elected College leaders for years 8-12 engaged in a workshop to develop the 2022 school theme. College Captains Finn Cook and Lucy El-Hage announced the theme to our school community at the Opening Assembly held in the Wyton Theatre and live streamed to each of our classrooms : Ride our Wave - Resurface, Reimagine and Recreate.
Resurfacing from two years of Covid affected education, our student leaders acknowledged our Year 7 class who were riding their first wave here at Emmanuel College. They challenged them to start, and with the more waves they ride, the more they will learn what is the best way to tackle the next. Each student has the choice to ride their own wave, and were encouraged not to get lost in the enormity of the swell, but to choose to ride the wave to where you want to go. College Captain Lucy El-Hage emphasised, “Put yourself out there, throw your hand up for opportunities, and ride our wave in 2022.”
Aimed to be interpreted uniquely to each individual “Ride our wave” is about the idea of embracing change, capitalising on opportunities and striving to be our bestLucy El-Hage