Emmanuel College
Join us for a tour of the College to see first-hand the many changes over the last 30 years, but also where early work in the College’s history continues to leave its mark.
Following tours, we will come together in the Emmanuel Centre for drinks, canapes, and the opportunity to catch up with fellow colleagues on days past and all that has happened since.
At the event, we will also recognise some of our longest serving Emmanuel College staff.
as follows:
(Previously Senior Campus or CBC Warrnambool)
Meeting at the Chapel, Canterbury Road
(Previously Junior Campus or St Ann’s College)
Meeting at the Library, Botanic Road
Meeting at the Emmanuel Centre, Botanic Road
(Drinks at bar prices)
RSVPs before the 12th November are essential for catering purposes.
Contact Emmanuel College on 03 5560 0888 or email [email protected]
Please note that this event will run in accordance with guidelines set by the Victorian Chief Medical Officer.
Emmanuel Centre
The Emmanuel Centre
We are excited to be hosting our very first Generations Breakfast open to all our Year 7 students and their families as we celebrate our 150th year.
The Generations Breakfast is a celebration that recognises the many families connected to our school throughout our 150-year history, from those that have attended for generations, to those that are new to our Emmanuel family.
Please ensure we have received your rsvp no later than this Wednesday 31st August. Book your tickets via Trybooking at trybooking.com/CBUCQ
For all the details see your invitation via Operoo.
The Cally Hotel
WHAT??? Has it really been 20 years? We’d love to see you all again Class of 2002! Let’s remember our school days and celebrate everything that you have done since.
Bring your kids, or just yourself along for a play and a catch-up
See how much Emmanuel College has changed since 2002. Tour begins from the Rice Campus Chapel, Canterbury Road.
At the Cally Hotel. Tickets are $30 which includes entry, a welcome drink & finger food. Additional drinks at bar prices. Partners welcome.
Book your ticket online at:
connect with us on Facebook:
See you there!
Kaela Barker, Joshua Porter, Aimee Timpson (Uebergang), Hannah McKinnon and Kate Harzmeyer (Baulch)
Warrnambool City Bowls Club, Cramer Street
If you were part of the group that began their journey at St Ann's College or CBC Warrnambool in Form I in 1967 a 50 Year Reunion is being organised for the 22nd October!
12:15PM - meeting at the Chapel, enter carpark off Canterbury Road
1:30PM - meeting at the Emmanuel Centre, enter carpark via Gate 3 on Botanic Road
6:00PM - Carmichael Room, Warrnambool City Bowls Club, Cramer Street. Cost $30 Book your tickets online at:
Kindly rsvp by Friday 14th October - it won’t be the same without you!
Plus join the conversation in the lead up to the event at:
The reunion is being pulled together by a great organising team in - Robert Brown, Monica Currer (Kavanagh), Susan Finn (Johnson), Martin van Run, and Anne Kerr (Harrington). Their ideas and enthusiasm are already seeing it shape into a great event.
Bundy's Bar & Bites
Join us
College Tours meeting at the Rice Campus Chapel, Canterbury Road
some amazing finger food and live entertainment at Bundy’s Bar & Bites, Liebig Street
before Oct 14 and only pay $45 at trybooking.com/CCNOG
Mary-Ellen Hose (Lane) 0418 135 094
or Eugene Rea 0407 552 392
Whaler's Hotel
It's been 10 years Class of 2012! So keep Saturday 29th October free for our reunion!
What were your memories and highlights from 2007-2012?
Was it the London Olympics and Sally Pearson breaking the Olympic record to achieve gold in the 100m hurdles? Or the global attention Julia Gillard received from her ‘misogyny speech’? Maybe it was the Swans snatching victory from Hawks in the AFL Grand Final?
Or maybe just partying to Carly Rae Jepsen and Gangnam Style with the amazing Class of 2012!
Join us for a party and a College tour to catch-up and remember some of the antics of our school days. You can already get your tickets by visiting https://www.trybooking.com/CAFIW
Join us at one or both:
For more information as it unfolds, join the Class of 2012's Facebook group: https://facebook.com/groups/376088875736811
The Cally Hotel
The Hairy Goat Tapas and Cocktail Bar
Join us for a casual get together
as the Emmanuel College Class of 97
(and anyone who joined us at any stage along the journey.)
It’s been a wild few years, so why not take the chance to get together with some old friends.
The Hairy Goat Tapas and Cocktail Bar
RSVP via the
or to [email protected]
For more information contact [email protected] or [email protected]
Pavilion Bar & Cafe
Join your classmates from the St Ann’s and CBC Classes of 1982 to celebrate your 40 Year Reunion!
Tickets go on sale Nov 1 at trybooking.com/CCSKU
Or Emmanuel Alumni Coordinator Candice Hampstead
03 5560 0845 or [email protected]
Did you start at CBC in Grade 3 in 1961?
Or perhaps you enrolled into this group at Form 1 in 1965 or Form 3 in 1967?
Regardless of whether you commenced in '61, '65 or '67
you have likely just turned 70, or will be 70 in the next few months!
To celebrate, you are invited to a reunion to be held on
Friday, 14 April 2023
The reunion will take the form of a morning tour and cuppa at the school
and a get-together later in the day at a local pub
(you can choose to join in on either or both of those)
NB: This date is within the Victorian post-Easter school holiday period.
If you were travelling to Warrnambool and needed accommodation
it would be worth booking sooner rather than later.
To register your interest, and so that we can get back to you with more details,
please upade your contact details here.
You would have been in Leaving or Matriculation in 1962 or 1963 if you had remained at school. If so, you are invited to a reunion to be held on 30 April 2023 - the Sunday immediately before next year’s Warrnambool Racing Carnival. We would love to hear from you or a member of your family.
Please contact either Kevin O’Donnell (0418 526 958) or Brian Short (0400 100 184) to indicate your interest and/or seek information.
Lighthouse Theatre
The induction of the Emmanuel College inspiring ALumni and the Young Alumni Achievers for 2023, recognition of student achievement and a showcase of student talent in art, music, drama, design and performance.
More details to come.
Surprisingly, at the end of this year it will be fifty years since the last of us finished at CBC Warrnambool.
To celebrate this milestone it would be great to get together to recall old times and catch up on 50 years of news!
We are planning to do this on the weekend of October 20-22th 2023.
So, if you were in the group that started 1968 - Year 7 or finished in 1973 - Year 12 we would love to catch up.
It would be great to catch up over dinner and recall old times, again! It was fantastic to catch up with many of you 10 years ago for our fortieth reunion. We hope to get those who could not make it last time to this reunion. We had a great time reminiscing and look forward to seeing everybody again.
The plans for the weekend are:
If you wish to attend the reunion please RSVP by September 20th.
NOTE: RSVP is for Saturday dinner as we need to notify the caterers and confirm our booking. Use our emails to reply.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you.
Reunion organisers:
Peter Chiller ([email protected])
Brendan O'Toole ([email protected])
Greg Frazer ([email protected])
Call out to anyone who attended their high school journey in Year 7-12 in 1968-1973 at St Ann’s Warrnambool. Even if you were only there for a year or two we’d love to see you! Please contact us with your contact details.
Gerardine McLoughlin: 0409 246 727 or [email protected]
Colleen Hollingsworth: [email protected]
Ann Cameron: [email protected]
Candice Hampstead (Alumni Coordinator): [email protected]
The Royal Hotel
Come and join us for a really relaxed and fun evening to reconnect after 30 years
3pm for College Tours
meeting at the Rice Campus Chapel, Canterbury Road
7pm @ The Royal Hotel
Corner of Fairy & Timor Street
For more information contact:
Emma Watty 0409 664 213
Shannon Rea 0458 663 258
or Sam Tuck 0400 391 160
Save the Date!
10 Year Reunion
More details coming soon.
Ensure your details are up to date to receive an invitation
The Emmanuel Centre
Shooting Hoops for the Edmund Rice Centre
You are invited to join the College community for the Rice Rally – the biggest basketball showdown in Emmanuel College’s history for the Edmund Rice Centre Fundraising Appeal.
The Rice Rally on
Friday February 23 is a day for the College and broader community to come
together in support of the new $16 million dollar learning facility.
Come along and watch the basketball showdown for a good cause, with All Stars Warrnambool local legends up against Emmanuel College students.
You will have the opportunity to participate in activities, see student project displays, and see Inspiring Alumni co-hosts Jonathan Brown (Class of 1999) and Gorgi Coghlan (Class of 1993), and host Rookie take to the airwaves on Coast FM, courtesy of major sponsor ACE Radio.
5:30pm - 7:30am
The Emmanuel Centre
Monday 29th April
If you’ve never been to a CBC Catch-Up before, make 2024 your first time! Offer your classmates a lift, and join us for some friendly banter with many familiar faces.
This year we will hear from guest speaker Anthony Leddin, a member of the Class of 1994, and an Emmanuel College Inspiring Alumni. For the past 25 years, Anthony has been on a quest to help feed the world by developing sustainable, nutritious crops for both humans and livestock. He moves between life as an agronomist (or crop scientist) in Australia, and his volunteer work as a plant breeding expert in developing countries - a project he created called Plant Breeders Without Borders. Anthony has worked on crop projects around the world, including India, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Nepal, Indonesia and East Timor, and on seed collection in Israel, Turkey and Spain. His most recent project has seen him just return home from Ecuador.
Make sure you’ve been in touch to let us know if you’re coming. We hope to see you there!
rsvp to [email protected] or phone 03 5560 0888.
The Whalers Hotel
It’s been 45 years since it all began for the cohort of 1979-1984.
Let’s gets everyone back together and celebrate!
1pm Tour of CBC, meeting at the Chapel
2pm Tour of St Ann’s, meeting at the Emmanuel Centre,
enter via Gate 3 on Botanic Road
7pm Whalers Hotel, Function Room
Plus casual drinks & pizza at Bojangles Friday 3rd at 6pm
Tickets Ticket price is $50 covering entry & food. Drinks at bar prices
Get your tickets before April 20th to receive $5 off!
Go to trybooking.com/CPMLQ
For more information:
Contact Veronica Hughson 0437 625 560
Brendan Anderson 0409 911 994 or
Emmanuel College Alumni Coordinator
Candice Hampstead at [email protected]
Continue to help spread the word, by letting your classmates know about the reunion. If you would like to receive an invitation in the mail, contact details can still be updated at: https://www.emmanuel.vic.edu.au/stay-in-touch
A list of classmates we are still looking for can be found here: Help us find...Class of 1984
To get the latest updates join the crew via the Facebook Group.
The group is private, so simply request to join if you are not already a member.
St Ann's Chapel
All past students and staff of St Ann’s College are warmly invited to our annual celebration of St Ann's Day
Ensure your contact details are up to date with the College to recieve an invitation, and please share the details with your fellow classmates of St Ann’s College.
Update your contact details here
Mass will commence at 10:45am in St Ann’s Chapel, followed by a light lunch served in the Emmanuel Centre.
RSVP by Thursday 18th July.
The cost for lunch is $16 payable on arrival.
Please contact Candice Hampstead at Emmanuel College on 5560 0888 or email [email protected] to rsvp or for further information.
Link here for the photo gallery from last year's celebration
Frolic Lane
Following the success of their 50 year reunion in 2019, the girls are getting back together for a catch-up.
Join us at the College for St Ann's Day celebrations, then party on afterwards with the girls of 1969.
View a classlist here: 1969 Class List
To rsvp or for more information please contact:
Cally Hotel
You are invited to attend the Emmanuel College Class of 2014's
4:30pm College Tour
Meet at the Senior Campus for a guided tour through some of the new facilities and our old classrooms to have a look and share memories.
6:30pm 10 Year Reunion
Continue the celebrations at the Cally Hotel where a professional photographer and some nibbles are provided.
For more info visit the Facebook Event - https://fb.me/rOSxqm4Z1JWvBNY
Get your tickets here at: 10-Year Reunion
Meleita, Shaylee, Xav and Amy are inviting you to join the Class of 2004 for their 20 Year Reunion!
See how much Emmanuel College has changed since 2004.
Tour begins from the Rice Campus Chapel, Canterbury Road.
At the City Memorial Bowls Club. Tickets are $55 which include entry, barefoot bowls, finger food & entertainment. Drinks at bar prices. Partners very welcome.
Book your ticket online at: trybooking.com/CTSMY
Meeting at the barbecue area near the new BIG slide, bring your family along for a catch-up. BYO food & drinks.
Update your contact details to receive updates. Link here
Peter Carman, David Earls, Chris Earls, Brian O’Keefe, John Wormald and David Hudson are looking to bring together the boys who went through from 1969 to 1974 at CBC Warrnambool. Update your contact details to stay up to date: Stay in Touch
About 80 boys began Form 1 in the ‘White House’ at CBC in 1969 and continued all or part way through to Form 6 (Matric.) in 1974. More than 30 others joined this group at various times along the way. As one of those boys, you are invited to one more ‘school assembly ‘ - to reminisce about the ups and downs of school life, reconnect with old school mates and share your stories and experiences since then.
Reunion events will occur on Friday October 18th and Saturday October 19th 2024.
Join us at the Warrnambool RSL from 7pm for an informal get together over a drink or two. Partners welcome ($15 Tickets). Drinks at bar prices.
Meeting at the Canterbury Road Campus Chapel at 10.30am Saturday
Dinner at the Warrnambool RSL on Saturday for past students at 7pm. Meals and drinks at menu prices.
Book your tickets $25, by Friday October 4th through www.trybooking.com/CVDBN
Any questions can be directed to:
Candice Hampstead (03 5560 0845) or
[email protected]
David Hudson (0418 951 479) or
[email protected]
Peter Carman (0402 413 090) or
[email protected]
Our whole class list can be found by linking here.
Cally Hotel
Join the Class of 1994
6:30pm The Cally Hotel
12 noon BYO BBQ Lunch
Meet at Emmanuel Centre
Botanic Road
1pm College Tour
Departs from Emmanuel Centre
Botanic Road
Tickets $30 if purchased before
Friday Oct 11th
$35 after this date
For more information contact join the Facebook Group at: facebook.com/groups/511977825588077
Link here for a Class List
Tickets available here - https://www.trybooking.com/CTSZU
Link here for a photo gallery full of photos from our school days.
Jim Delaney and Eric Howard, with the help of some others are working to get the boys from the CBC Class of 1964 together for a reunion.
Set for the weekend 16-17 November. Update your contact details with the College to receive update as the event unfolds.
Get all the details including tickets by linking here www.trybooking.com/CUKXX
Canterbury Road Campus
Whether you call it the Rice Campus, the Senior Campus or CBC Warrnambool, let’s come together to say goodbye to our place.
Join us on campus to reminisce and celebrate our history and our future.
Grab a classmate or two, and come on one last tour before we move house.
View the flyer here: Farewell Canterbury Road
RSVP is essential for catering purposes. Link here to register for a tour.
What are some of your favourite stories from the campus?
Write your stories down and submit them for inclusion in our displays!
Email Candice Hampstead at [email protected]
Find all the details for our reunion in the invitation linked here
Help us find all our class mates:
Ensure your details are up to date to recieve all the details. Link here
Warrnambool Hotel
For more information check out the Facebook group
St Ann’s & CBC Class of 1975
Or contact Louise Mugavin (Peddle) on 0404 851 084 or Glen Ryan on 0438 671 677
Help us find our missing classmates
9:30AM - 2:30PM
ACMI - Federation Square, Melbourne
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