


There are many ways to make a gift to the college including:
  • Giving online, by mail, phone, or in person
  • Making a pledge for an agreed number of payments
  • Recognising the School in your Will
  • Through corporate giving programs

If you’re anything like me, Emmanuel College will have provided you and your family with great opportunities that set you up for life. I want to enable those same opportunities for future generations, that is why I give
Steve Callaghan



Through corporate philanthropy, your business will be an integral part of our community focused college and make a difference to our students’ education. Your generous support will enable Emmanuel College to focus on key priorities, all of which are vital in elevating the education and development of students in regional Victoria.

At Emmanuel College, we are committed to building long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships. The opportunities for involvement are diverse and can be tailored to meet your objectives.

To find out more, please contact our Executive Officer


Sponsors are provided with a suite of benefits and opportunities to engage with our college community. There are many ways we can recognise our sponsors in line with their level of support but may include a table at a Foundation event, invitation to our Inspiring Alumni event, preferential booking rights, inclusion in our communications to various audiences, networking opportunities, sponsor acknowledgement and links to your website. We are keen to discuss the sort of recognition that is important to you and aligned with your business goals and values.

To find out more, please contact our Executive Officer


Making a Will is about ensuring that the people and causes you hold dear are treated in the way you would wish, after your death. Besides your family and friends, it is appropriate to remember institutions that are important to you. Including a gift in your Will (also known as a bequest) ensures that what you value most will continue to be supported in the years ahead. It will be an investment in the future of our students and the quality of their education – a meaningful way to recognise your connection to the college.

Your Will

Your gift may be unrestricted or designated:

  • An unrestricted bequest to Emmanuel College Warrnambool, via the Emmanuel College Warrnambool Foundation Future Fund, enables the college to choose how the gift will be applied.
  • A designated bequest enables you to choose how your gift will be applied. You can elect to support a specific philanthropic pillar of the College, such as Buildings and Grounds or the Scholarship Fund.

To ensure your Will fulfils your intentions and is legally sound, it is essential it be drawn up by a solicitor or Trustee Company. The college is not authorised to provide legal advice. Once you have made your Will, it is important to review it every few years or as circumstances change. Please remember also the value of your assets will change over time.

Available here are some wording alternatives for including a gift to the college at the time of creating your Will, or as a codicil (a legal document made to modify an earlier will) to your existing Will, as a basis for discussion with your solicitor.

Letting the College Know of Your Bequest

Advising the School of your bequest enables us to thank you, provides an opportunity to join the Emmanuel Society and keeps you updated on the most current developments at the college. It also helps the college in its planning for the future.

Please advise us that you have included Emmanuel College Warrnambool in your Will by contacting our Executive Officer.

Emmanuel Society

Once we know of your bequest, you will be invited to join the Emmanuel Society. Choosing to let us know your intent gives us an important opportunity to thank and recognise members for their commitment, either privately or publicly (depending on your wishes) for your generosity to the College. Often Emmanuel College is not able to thank a donor in their lifetime and the Emmanuel Society allows us to express our gratitude in the here and now.

Including a gift in your Will to the Emmanuel College Foundation – however big or small – is a powerful way to leave a lasting and meaningful legacy. As noted above when making a Will, we do encourage you to seek legal advice.

As part of the Society, you will be invited to special events and have opportunities to stay connected to the College and our students. You can speak with us to learn more about this vibrant and growing group or to discuss your ideas about creating your bequest.