inducted 2023 Health
"The world is not perfect, but if we all contribute to making things better, then it will continue to be a beautiful place." This simple philosophy is at the heart of Anna Ryan's approach to life.
Growing up on a farm in Grasmere, Anna's parents, Marcia and Basil, were very focused on education and ensuring their children were prepared for life after school. This included family trips to Melbourne to learn how to navigate a big city and squeezing in extra work experience opportunities during school holidays. A young Anna spent time with a speech therapist, physio, chiropractor, and occupational therapist. The aim was to be fully aware of all the career possibilities and choices available to her beyond Grasmere.
In her senior years as a St Ann's student, Anna focused on Science and Maths and completed several of her subjects at CBC. A strong influence on Anna at St Ann's was teacher Margaret White. She found that teachers like Miss White, and Mr Hingston and Mr Tobias at CBC were always willing to give more, saying, "For students who wanted to learn more they just kept feeding your interest and challenging you."
After Year 12, Anna followed her older brother John to Uni in Melbourne and chose to study Chiropractic at RMIT. Anna was fascinated by the human body and diagnostic reasoning. She loved solving puzzles. At that point, Anna imagined that her future would entail having her own private practice in Warrnambool.
After five years of study, Anna boarded a plane for London, working in the UK for sixteen months, and then returning to Australia to start her business within a multi-disciplinary practice. This multidisciplinary focus was reflected within the family with sister Alicia studying to be a physiotherapist at that same time.
Anna also began teaching Chiropractic students at RMIT, completed an education qualification, and was awarded Dean's Honours. Around that time, Anna met her future husband Leon (also a Chiropractor). Anna developed problems with her hands and was advised by a specialist that Chiropractic as a career for life might not be realistic.
Undeterred, Anna decided to sit the entrance test to study Medicine and was then interviewed and offered a place at the University of Melbourne. Anna particularly enjoyed bumping into her younger brother Liam who was finishing his agricultural sciences degree. Whilst studying, she continued work with Leon in their shared chiropractic practice.
After graduation, and while working in the emergency department at the Austin Hospital, Anna enquired with the clinical school about teaching opportunities. Sometimes serendipity influences the path we choose - by pure chance, an opportunity was available.
Anna's work at the Austin Hospital clinical school supported medical students in building their diagnostic skills and their relationships with patients. Anna found that her mentors at The Austin reminded her of her teachers at St Ann's and CBC - they kept providing her with opportunities. From that point, Anna's career as an educator took off, and in 2012 she commenced a PhD in medical education.
Anna's contributions to assessment and feedback innovations within the Department of Medical Education at Parkville were recognized globally, earning her and a colleague a Faculty award in 2017. She was promoted to Associate Professor in 2018 and became the Director of Assessment for the University of Melbourne Medical Program the following year.
Anna's work has been published in peer-reviewed journals, and presented at international conferences. A highlight of those international trips has been combining work trips with Leon to travel and learn more about the world together.
Anna was admitted as a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators in 2021. Anna’s work demonstrates her significant passion for assessment as a tool to help students improve while ensuring high standards for patient care. With this commitment to patient safety, Anna has served on many Boards and Committees, including the Chiropractic Board of Australia and several Australian Medical Council Medical Schools Assessment Teams.
During the beginning of the COVID pandemic, Anna's love of problem-solving was tested. Rapid flexibility and innovation were needed to combat the effects of the lockdown. Anna was able to fast-track an assessment reform program that introduced secure, remote, computer-based exams quickly while ensuring academic integrity.
In 2022 as a result, Anna and her Melbourne Medical School Assessment Team won the University of Melbourne Norman Curry Award for Innovation and Excellence in Educational Programs. In the same year, Anna was made a full Professor in recognition of her longstanding contributions to health professions education.
Anna's message to Emmanuel students is that "Education is a privilege. If you are lucky enough to have an education, it is your responsibility to give something back."