

What are your memories of the Library?

Once known as the Library, today’s Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is a dynamic space that plays a central role in supporting teaching and learning at Emmanuel College. It meets the needs of staff and students from year 7-12 across three campuses by providing opportunities to read and complete research through both the latest in online and traditional resources. Upon entering, you will discover a hive of activity - students learning, creating, or simply relaxing with a book. In addition to the resource materials, the LRC is home to the Emmanuel College Chess Club.

The story of how this vibrant learning space has come to be involves many people and multiple relocations. With each move the LRC has reinvented itself, expanding how it supports students and staff. With your assistance we would like to capture each phase of this history.

The LRC staff invite you to share your stories of the College Library. Access the survey via: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2Q7PQXF and help us to recollect our library’s history.

Also in this Edition