

Welcome to Emmanuel's New Inspiring Alumni

Ten years of the Inspiring Alumni was an extra reason for celebration on 9 August when the College welcomed six new inductees into the fold.

When the concept of the Inspiring Alumni was being developed, much consideration was given to the name with members of the College community invited to contribute their own suggestions and ideas. Ultimately Inspiring Alumni was the unanimous choice because it best reflected the motivation behind the concept. The idea was not so much to elevate the inductees, but to model achievement across a wide range of endeavours to current and future generations of Emmanuel students so that they may be inspired to achieve their best and to make a difference in local and global communities.

There are now 45 Inspiring Alumni (24 women and 21 men) who have been recognised in the categories of: The Arts, Service, Business, Academia, Health/Science and Sports. If you know of a past student of Emmanuel, St Ann’s or CBC whose story and contribution to their community may inspire and motivate others please consider making a nomination via the Emmanuel website.

We are pleased to introduce you to our newest Inspiring Alumni:

Cheryl Hicks - Class of 1988

Fr Barry Ryan - Class of 1957

Helen Ridgwell - Class of 1971

Melissa Patterson - Class of 1995

Michael Owen - Class of 1982

Stephen Lee - Class of 1979

Also in this Edition