

Alumni Event and Reunion Photo Galleries

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Class of 1988 - 30 Year Reunion

The St Ann’s and CBC classes of 1988 were very enthusiastic in celebrating their 30 year Reunion. Both the girls and the boys met for a variety of activities organised throughout the weekend to reconnect with each other and the College. The weather was magnificent for their College tour, which revealed both a lot of change in 30 years, and some very familiar landmarks.

Thanks to Jane Reed and Sharon McKenzie for bringing everyone together, and creating a great party atmosphere!

Class of 1998 - 20 Year Reunion

The Class of 1998 reunited in celebration of it being 20 years since the last of them left school. Alumni, Stephanie Moloney (Egan), Regina Lane and Anna Harris (McSwain) rounded up their classmates from far and wide to reconnect and remember their glory days.

Activities started with a tour of the College, then progressed to the party held at the Cally Hotel. Past College Captain, Luke Mugavin and Mr Noel Mugavin got up and said a few words, both commenting on what a fantastic group the peer year of 1998 was, and how great it was to see that so many people had stayed close friends. Convenor, Stephanie Moloney described the evening as, “It was a really relaxed night, everyone mingled well and caught up with each other and what was going on in their lives.” And by all reports the group were still celebrating until the early hours of the morning!

Co-convenor and Inspiring Alumni, Regina Lane, summed it up well when she said “Life, it seemed had softened us, sweetened our conversation and made us genuinely more caring and interested in each other.”

Class of 2008 - 10 Year Reunion

After only 10 years since finishing school, the Class of 2008 were amazed by just how much the College had grown and changed. On their tour, there were many familiar parts that brought back memories for the group, and they were very interested to see and learn about the new additions to the College such as the Emmanuel Centre.

The Class of 2008 continued festivities and renewing old friendships at the Cally Hotel later that evening. Congratulations to Samantha Petering, Jess Howe (Westwick) and Daniel Barling for bringing it all together – a great event for all involved!

Also in this Edition