

St Ann's Day

Emmanuel College welcomed back 80 plus past students of St Ann’s College on July 26 to share in the celebration of the Feast of St Ann. Much like today’s Emmanuel Day, St Ann’s Day was a whole school celebration during the time of St Ann’s College, which was much anticipated and enjoyed by the students. Today, we continue this tradition by celebrating Mass and sharing lunch together with past students of St Ann’s College.

This year’s Mass was again made special by Fr Lawrence O’Toole, who’s connection to Emmanuel and St Ann’s extends back to the early 1980’s when he was the College Chaplain. While we relocated our celebration in 2019 to the recently opened STAGE facility, our St Ann’s girls were made to feel like we were still in the chapel, thanks to the capabilities of our new performing arts centre.

Alumni were also treated to a performance by the Emmanuel Singers and a mesmerising poem by the award winning Voice Choir lead by Ms Foard. For Emmanuel College staff, it was an honour to be part of what is a reunion of friends and seeing first hand the joy of life-long friendships. St Ann’s girls are travelled from all over Victoria to reconnect with their classmates, of particular note was the reuniting of classmates that had not seen each other for 65 years.

We look forward to seeing both these events grow further, so if you are, or know a past student of St Ann’s College or CBC Warrnambool, encourage them to get in touch with the College to get added to the invite list.

Also in this Edition