

Catching-up with the boys of CBC

Past students of CBC gathered in the Emmanuel Centre on Monday 29 April to reconnect with their classmates, sharing tales of the school yard through to today. Following on from the success of last year’s inaugural event, the CBC Catch-Up attracted twice as many attendees from all eras of the school’s history, right back to the 1940s. It was very pleasing to welcome back alumni who had not been back to school for over 50 years, learn a bit of what they have been doing since leaving school, and be able to show them how the school and our current students continue to flourish today.

The evening closed with a presentation by guest speaker and member of the Class of 1991, Justin Quill, who gave us an insight into the behind the scenes work and the fine line that the media must walk to report major crimes in the news.

We look forward to seeing both these events grow further, so if you are, or know a past student of St Ann’s College or CBC Warrnambool, encourage them to get in touch with the College to get added to the invite list.

In the lead up to the CBC Catch-Up our senior media students worked with alumnus Brian Kavanagh (CBC 1950) to record a piece of his poetry – May Win! View the result here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-WNr8EeyNg&t=1s

Also in this Edition