

As time goes on, I’m getting to speak to more and more of you, and I am quickly learning you don’t have to look very far at all to find great talent, passion or initiative among you all. Even at the time of printing this, we were discovering alumni launching books, launching films, winning international awards, and the list goes on. Work has already started on the next edition and I encourage you to get in touch and let us know where life is taking you at the moment – or at the very least dob your mates in!

Letting us know what you are up to is also a tremendous help to the school as it helps us demonstrate the vast amount of real opportunities available to students. This semester at the College we have had a number of our past students drop in and speak to students, sharing with them their experiences of work, study and even gap years! This tremendous involvement from the College’s alumni is an incredibly enriching experience for the students, sparking ideas and opportunities that had not previously been considered.

Ryan Arscott (Class of 2015) spoke to senior maths students about Maritime Studies and the University of Tasmania.

Daniel Murrihy (Class of 2014) came and spoke to students interested in completing a working holiday in Japan’s snow fields as a Gap Year option.

Alicia Boyd (Ryan) Class of 1996 speaking at the first whole school assembly in the Emmanuel Centre.

Watch the video below.

Alicia Boyd (Ryan) Class of 1996 speaking at the first whole school assembly in the Emmanuel Centre.

Finally, ensure you check the Event page to find out about all the upcoming Alumni events and reunions to learn where you might be able to reconnect and have a laugh with your classmates. We have had a surge in the number of reunions being organised this year, so make sure you don't miss yours.


Author: Candice Hampstead | Alumni Coordinator
Also in this Edition