

The Emmanuel College Alumni,

What a year it has been! My introduction to Emmanuel College has been one of College milestones and celebrations of epic proportions! The Emmanuel College community of staff, students and families, and of course the Alumni have made me feel so welcome, so thank you all.

While this year has been a particularly busy one for events, our team has also been busily putting the building blocks in place to better bring together and support our extensive Alumni cohort. Following on from the tremendous support received from you all in the building of the landmark facility – the Emmanuel Centre, we are looking to pull together an Alumni Association. We have been having discussions with groups of past students to determine what an Emmanuel College Alumni Association might look like. Some very interesting and passionate ideas have been put forward, which we look forward to developing further in 2017.

Another new development is the complete overhaul of the Alumni website. We have integrated the Alumni site with the Emmanuel College site so the endeavours of our Alumni can be shared among our entire College community. We’re excited about the new interface of the website and the opportunities for more interaction and sharing that will result. I encourage all of you to explore these pages and galleries – and don’t be afraid to send me through any news about yourself to be included, they really are an inspiration for the students currently at the school.

And finally, if you haven’t already given the Emmanuel Alumni Facebook page a like - look us up! This is the first place we will put any news that comes our way. Click here to go to the Facebook page.


Candice Hampstead | Alumni Coordinator

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