

The Emmanuel College Connection caught up with Class of 2004 alum, Rachael Lopez (Devlin) to talk about Rachael’s participation in a pilot program called The Community of St Anselm – a Year in God’s Time. The program was initiated by the Archbishop of Canterbury and it invites Christians aged 20-35 from around the world to spend one year in a radical Jesus-centred, Anglican community of prayer, study and serving local communities – all based at his home in Lambeth Palace in London.

Rachael was joined in the program by her husband Jonathan after the couple were selected to be part of a group of only fourteen others who spent a year living a life that the ancient Christian monastics would have recognised. The group followed a pattern of prayer, study, deep self-reflection and service that limited the distractions and pressures of normal daily life. “There are periods of every day when we are required to remain silent,” said Rachael, "and most of the day we definitely tuning out of social media, though it was important to let family know how we are going every now and then."

Rachael joined Emmanuel College half way through Year 8 after feeling bullied at a previous school. "My older sister said she wanted to change to Emmanuel College." Their Pentecostal parents wondered if they would fit in okay. "We never felt left out as non-Catholics at Emmanuel though".

When I was at school I always felt I was different to the mainstream, as I have always had strong opinions on moral issues and was not afraid to stand up for my beliefs. Although I was different I wasn’t alone and at Emmanuel I formed a tight-knit group of friends, most of whom I am still in touch with. I think one of the best things about Emmanuel College is the Retreat program for senior students. The Retreats really help students to get to know and understand those who are outside of their own friendship groups. After the Retreats other students would say things like, “ I may not agree with you or think like you do, but I really respect your commitment to your values.”

“I was not a particularly conscientious senior student at school as I didn't have a particular goal and, as I chose mainly art subjects, I didn't get a massive ENTER score. I decided to do a one-year folio preparation course, and after that I was offered multiple tertiary courses. Now I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Photography) and a Master of Divinity and I hope to complete a Master of Theology. I think students sometimes worry too much about ENTER (now ATAR) scores. If you really want something there is always a way to achieve it down the track.

After I started tertiary study I realised that I loved history and that history was not learning facts, it was interpreting them. Through studying church history I was drawn to the Anglican Church even though I was raised a Pentecostal”.

While the Lopezs personally funded a quarter of the cost of the St Anselm experience there is still need for funding from churches and individuals. The Lopezs are looking to raise $60,000 towards the Community of St Anselm, with $47,000 towards fees, and $13,000 for flights, preparation costs and other expenses. Go to lopezlambeth.wix.com/home for a giving details or to sign up for monthly updates.

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